Join the GForest movement. We work with local communities to revitalize our environment.
The Philippines loses 52,000 trees daily from logging, land development, and agricultural activities.
For every virtual GForest tree planted, an actual tree is planted on your behalf in partner sites.
Join the GForest movement. We work with local communities to revitalize our environment.
As of July 2024, GForest as 20 million registered users. It’s one of the Philippines’ largest science-based environmental movements
Users planted enough trees to cover 14,300 hectares of land in the Philippines, which is almost equivalent to the size of San Francisco.
GForest, through its local and international planting partners, provided incremental livelihoods to 11,200 farmers and their families.
GForest is working closely with credible local and international organizations to achieve carbon neutrality and create valuable environmental impact.