Stress-free gov’t processing made possible with GCash
Get access to hundreds of national and local government office processes in one app.
Get access to hundreds of national and local government office processes in one app.
Skip the long lines and check out our National and LGU partners.
Pay all your government dues and requirements with a tap!
Enjoy worry-free transactions with direct access to eGov Partners in the GCash app.
Open the GCash app and tap View All on the dashboard.
Tap on Express Send on the first row.
Select recipient from contacts.
Make sure you have enough in your GCash Wallet!
Make sure you have enough in your GCash Wallet!
Make sure you have enough in your GCash Wallet!
G-Xchange, Inc. (GCash) is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (
Need Help? Visit the GCash Help Center or Call 2882 (Globe/TM) / (02) 7213-9999 (other networks; fees may apply)
W Global Center, Lane P Cor. 9th Avenue,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Philippines
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