We’re all experiencing the effects of climate change and businesses now face significant challenges, with over 20 trillion pesos impact losses in just
five years. Supply chains are disrupted which means business operations move at a slower pace or even halt completely, affecting a lot of business
owners and their employees. Evident in the ~2.5% year-on-year decline in the GDP of the Philippines, climate change causes weakened purchasing

power and puts brands at risk. This is why making a positive impact towards climate change is absolutely crucial and should be a top priority for
businesses to stay afloat amidst the climate crisis.


The success of GForest is monumental in enabling more green initiatives for brands. As the pioneer of the leading digital eco-movement in the
country, we are now expanding our commitment to sustainability by partnering with like-minded companies to amplify our positive impact on the
planet. At GCash for Business Partner Solutions, we bring you innovative technology that enables your brand to seamlessly incorporate sustainability
goals into your campaigns.

We firmly believe that going green is something we can all do together! Inside the GCash app, you’ll find GForest, an interactive climate tech platform
where users can plant trees even in the comfort of their own homes. With over 18 million green heroes already on board, our Go Green Ads within
GForest can help you rally eco-warriors and encourage them to support your cause for a greener environment. Through our GForest Adoption
partnership with brands, we've already helped plant 2.8 million trees across 11.6 hectares of land, benefiting over 8,000 farmers in various locations
across the Philippines. Show your commitment to sustainability and be part of this positive change with our Green Solutions!


Making the greener choice is definitely important for businesses and brands. With GCash for Business Partner Solutions, implementing green
campaigns and connecting with eco-conscious individuals has never been easier or more effective.
Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow and achieve your sustainability targets with us. Message us to know more about our Green Solutions!

Want your marketing executions to go digital? Reach us here.

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